Emma Watson in the Garden of Eden

Emma Watson in the Garden of Eden Emma Watson in the Garden of Eden Emma Watson in the Garden of Eden

Emma in the pool

Emma in the pool Emma in the pool Emma in the pool

Emma dazzle in cockpit

Emma dazzle in cockpit Emma dazzle in cockpit Emma dazzle in cockpit

Queen of forest

Queen of forest Queen of forest Queen of forest  

Late Night Superior Iron Woman

Late Night Superior Iron Woman Late Night Superior Iron Woman Late Night Superior Iron Woman

Hogwarts New Outfit modeled by the Headmistress

Hogwarts New Outfit modeled by the Headmistress Hogwarts New Outfit modeled by the Headmistress  

Hermione at Hogwarts

Hermione at Hogwarts Hermione at Hogwarts Hermione at Hogwarts

Emma Watson in her home

Emma Watson in her home Emma Watson in her home Emma Watson in her home

Emma in Black Armor

Emma in Black Armor Emma in Black Armor Emma in Black Armor

Emma Watson’s dazzling plunge dress oozes modern glamour

Emma Watson’s style file is nothing short of exemplary. We never know what to expect next on the Harry Potter star’s dress code, as she is mesmerizingly well-versed in…